Sunday, 12 December 2010

5 things not to do if you want the perfect Christmas...

  1. Do not go into town to do your shopping on the second to last Saturday before Christmas - it's not clever and it's not funny and you''ll land up waiting in queues for ages in HMV and then the bundle you want will be sold out and on top of that they will not be able to second guess you when you say you are looking for the latest hit by the Allie girl. After what feels like two hours making them search everywhere for you you will realise it's not Allie but Lily Allen. You are then given a withering look and they promptly say that they don't have her most recent Album anyway...
  2. Do not leave writing your Christmas cards adn Christmas letter to the last minute as it will cause undue pressure on your marraige cause your children to cry and force your dogs to seek sanctuary under the table. You will go to bed feeling very cross and have a rotten night's sleep...
  3. Do not  agree to host a drinks part for all and sundry between Christmas and New Year because you have been lax on the socialising front. You know everyone will say yes just because you dont want them to and instead of the 20 you thought you were catering for you'll land up with 80 plus hangers on!
  4. Do not take the sports car with you to do the Christmas shopping you will only get stopped by police on way home and have to explain that the reason that you cannot vacate you car is because if you open the door all your necessities will spill all over the road causing a hazard to other motorists...
  5. Do not say it's Ok for your sister/parents/in-laws to stay over the Christmas /New Year season and bring their dogs when you already have seven to look after just know that on Christmas morning you are the one who will tread on the proverbial before you have even had the chance for a nice cup of tea...
 PS: ThinkingSlimmer - ohmygod I've lost 2lbs!!!!!!!! It has been quite amazing I haven't stopped eating or changed what it is I do eat, I have just been so much more aware and boy has it made a difference...


Jen Walshaw said...

Hmm, I am not sure about Christmas shopping at all. We are also very mean over the Christmas period, we dont share our time!

Rob-bear said...

I think we're OK. Spent the next to last Saturday before Christmas (today) at home reading books and computing, in the -22°C, snowy weather. We're not into Christmas cards, but do send e-mail, whenever we get to it. We don't host parties; been there, done that, have the scars. We don't have a sports car (unless you classify a 4-door Volvo sedan as a "sports car"). And we don't have anyone who would want to stay over. Both our children & families have their own homes within a ten minute walk or five minute drive.

And though there be less of you to love, we'll love you none the less.

Expat mum said...

2 pounds just by concentrating a bit? Hmmm....obviously I'm just scatty. Well done.

Cait O'Connor said...

Yes I try to do as little as possible, keep it all very low key and unpressured. Shop on the net and hope things arrive on time. It is only one day after all and is gone in a flash....

Mummysquared said...

No chance of me taking a sports car anywhere this year... or until I win the lottery in fact! More explanation needed on those 2lbs please - I have 3 to go and if all it takes is a little hard thinking, then I am on board!!

Tattieweasle said...

TheMadHouse - so right! Tiem the most precious thing of all, I never seem to have enough of it esp. at Christmas.
Rob-bear - I'd love it if the fmaily lived close enough so we could just drop in and be able to go home to our own beds at night! Love your parting shot, just beautiful!
Expat Mum - I don't even think I'm concentrating that much. This brainwashing is a bit scary! But I won't be giving it up if I manage to lose the weight without dieting!
Cait - I know all this palaver for one day seems a bit obscene doesn't it!
Mummysquared - Hi there. I wouldn't be taking a sports car anywhere either exceopt it's a left over from our young free and single days is seriously old now 15 years and when he is using the proper cvar it's the only thing left to take - not good when doing a mega shop and the looks I got!!!:) Log onto ThinkingSlimmer its a hypnotherapy website for those who want to lose weight without dieting. I'll be posting my review shortly!

CherishedByMe said...

Ooops.....HMV on a Saturday?? It's bad enough anyway. 80 for drinks???Good luck with that one.
I'm sure you will enjoy really. :0)

Tattieweasle said...

Cherishedbyme - of course I will enjoy! Hubby's stocked up on the Christmas plonk and I am testing it just to make sure, each and every bottle!

Trish said...

I've fallen foul of the 'hosting a party on Boxing Day' thing! Took me a few years for the penny to drop.

Tattieweasle said...

Trish - I am making a great big diary note for next year NOT to do it!!!!!!! However, they say it may snow in Suffolk over Christmas so I may be in luck....

Anonymous said...

its just me, him who helped create them and the kids this year! cant bloody wait!

enough said!


Go on you know you want to...


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