Monday, 1 February 2010

The wickedest whippet again…

I am a slow learner and it seems my dog is not.
Although I know she can jump on to the kitchen counter I have failed to realise that she has the capacity to do more than just that and she has. She has gone further in her never ending quest for mayhem and destruction and of course her pursuit of food than I ever imagined possible.
I am not saying she can now open the fridge door and help herself, a trick I am sure she will reveal at a later date, no, now she’s doing something just as bad. Not satisfied with leftovers on the kitchen counter, my whippet has learned that the food on the cooker is also up for grabs.
At present she’s not actually going for food on the boil so to speak but she is taking the food left in the pans. Fair enough I hear you say if you will leave food on the cooker.
But what if I were to tell you the pots and pans have their lids firmly on? What if I were to tell you she has learned to take the lids off before helping herself and what if I were to tell you that she actually chooses what she wants to help herself to?
What then!?
The little blighter jumps on the counter, stalks over to the cooker and lifts the lids on all the pots and pans there ignoring the veggies, but failing to put the lids back on, and just opts for things like stew and boiled chicken.
And how do I know this? Because although she may be clever, she is not clever enough and I found the remains of the chicken in her den under the foot stool along with the shells of six eggs and a rather battered egg box.
God how I hope she’s sick!


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Lord! I can't stand a picky eater .

Tattieweasle said...

SmitoniusAndSonata - LOL!!!!!!Terribly fussy little beggar she is and she's not feeling at all worse for wear. In fact she's now asleep in my office looking as angelic as a whippet can...

Trish said...

The cheek of it!! Do they do cooker guards for dogs? Probably wouldn't make any difference if she leaps onto the worktop though. You could try Le Creuset pans - heavy lids?

Dorset Dispatches said...

I'm impressed. We have a food obsessed dog, but as a retriever she'll eat anything and can usually be found in the rubbish bins or eating some form of poo rather than on our counters. Whippet just have some class and elegance to them.

We once had a boxer that famously nipped in behind my mum to whip a joint of beef out of the oven before she scarpered down the end of the garden. She was sick later but there was zero sympathy from the rest of the hungry family.

Iota said...

How are you going to solve this problem?

ELS said...

Separated at birth from my pig-greedy Weimie. Is no longer adorable, and have started squirting her in the eye if she jumps on the counters for food.

Wish someone would do the same to me...

Hope your troubles are less this week xxxx

Expat mum said...

Just make sure that the food is scalding hot next time. Oh, I'm just kidding. Lace it with curry. Actually sometimes the only way we could get our dog to eat her food was to pour curry sauce over it. Poo-eey that breath!

Tattieweasle said...

Trish@ Mum's gone to - now I've been wanting new pans for ages what a brilliant idea - I have to get them as dog will otherwise at us out of house and home - somehow I don't think Dear Charlie's going to fall for that one...
Brit in Bosnia - she's is pretty but having lived with her and her antics for a year now I am not sure about describing her as classy - she's a horrible food theiving tart really!
Iota - Shhhh Dog training. All I have to do is get them to take her....
ELS - ah yes I do believe some people use water guns and lie in of course would need help from soomeone with a military background for you problem....;)
Expat Mum - like yours she loves spicy food. Could try Scotch Bonnet though...maybe not it could lead to explosions...

Anonymous said...

But not sick in your bed!

Tattieweasle said...

Mud - No not yet anyway! I think I had better go and close the bedroom door...!!!

Go on you know you want to...


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