Monday 20 August 2012

Looking good in a wet suit!

There is no way anyone on gods earth that anyone looks good in a wet suit - well I suppose a size zero model may do in fact I am sure they'd look relatively normal for once but a modest size 12 will look decidedly frumpy however much she sucks in her stomach.
I know I've tried.
In fact I tried all afternoon as I helped the boys with their boogie boarding.
And why may you ask was I trying to suck my tummy in?
Well believe it or not just sometimes on a beach holiday in the wet welsh Wales you happen to land up on a beach pitch right next door to a serious grey fox. For the unititiated that is a male of mature years who is a deadringer for George Clooney.
I couldnt help it. There's something about having a seriously good looking guy in the vicinity that makes one sort of want to be seen at one's best and turning up on the beach in a wet suit isn't getting off to a good start.
So I spent the whole afternoon trying hard not to breathe - a very difficult thing to do when you are in the sea boogie boarding with your kids and trying to look super cool as well. It was all too much in the end so I decided to cover my embarrassment and stay in the sea until he went much to my boys delight never have they had their mum so willing to stay in the sea with them right up until tea!


Rob-bear said...

You can breathe, or you can act your age, or. . . .

Never mind. You're still alive, which is the main thing.

Blessings and Bear hugs (from a grey Bear)!

Tattieweasle said...

Rob-bear - I chose breathing!

Katie @mummydaddyme said...

I used to get hysterical putting on a wetsuit when I was younger- I hated when they were wet and you had to put them on so tight against your skin! I remember once sobbing cause I didn't want it on- eeek bringing back memories!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

In fact , you probably looked so good that he'll be back tomorrow !

Tattieweasle said...

Katie - yep that slurping sucking sound as you put a damp one back on enough to send anyone screaming for the hills!
SmitoniusAndSonata - here's hoping but I wnt be wearing my wet suit unless I'm sure he's NOT there far too uncomfortable!

Anonymous said...

Yup... they're about as unflattering as anything can be... last time I donned a wetsuit I was a very slender size 8 and even then I felt as fat as a sack!

Scottish Mum said...

Nobody will ever get me into one of those suite. Never, ever, ever. Grey fox or not....

Michelloui | the American Resident said...

LOL!!!! Funny post and I so relate. And I'll bet he was doing the same thing...!

Go on you know you want to...


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